khazanah alam

dianugerahkan untuk kita menikmatinya....perlu dipelajari, diperbaiki dan dipelihara untuk diturunkan buat generasi seterusnya......tentunya kita tidak mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi akan datang sebagaimana kita cuba menunding jari ke generasi sebelum ini......fikirkanlah.....

Saturday 16 November 2013

De Kas

De Kas was refreshing discovery (found through A cup of Jo) just outside the tourist circuit of Amsterdam.  We cycled for over an hour to try their delicious, unpretentious food fresh from their gardens and far exceeded our expectations.

Set in an incredible glass building (reminiscent of a green house) it over looks a huge park. It's great place to escape and relax for an afternoon or evening. You really feel far away from all the craziness of the city, which is exactly what we needed after a few days of being tourists. We had a looong lazy lunch, three courses beautifully presented and bursting with flavour paired with some light delicious Rosé.

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