khazanah alam

dianugerahkan untuk kita menikmatinya....perlu dipelajari, diperbaiki dan dipelihara untuk diturunkan buat generasi seterusnya......tentunya kita tidak mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi akan datang sebagaimana kita cuba menunding jari ke generasi sebelum ini......fikirkanlah.....

Tuesday 4 June 2013

used to spice up plain rice

How to substitute cumin with fennel

It is the distinctive aroma of cumin which adds spice to the dishes that are being cooked. It is the concentration of oil compounds present in the seeds, which are responsible for the aroma. The natural sweetness of cumin also compliments the natural sweetness of a dish. It is commonly used in North African, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Indian and Asian cuisine. Cumin powder is one of the common ingredients in curry powder. Cumin is hotter in taste and has a sharp and slightly bittersweet taste. Ground cumin is more commonly used in Indian and Mexican dishes. It is very commonly used to make salsas and makes for a great accompaniment to chili and enchiladas and not to forget flavorful seasoning to ground meat. Cumin can also be used to spice up plain rice and breads as well. There are a number of benefits of it as well. It is often used as a stimulant and an antispasmodic. It is also used in treating nausea, diarrhea, as well as morning sickness. However, when one needs to replace this spice, no matter what the reason, there are few options that can do justice as a fill in. Let us check some of them out.

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