khazanah alam

dianugerahkan untuk kita menikmatinya....perlu dipelajari, diperbaiki dan dipelihara untuk diturunkan buat generasi seterusnya......tentunya kita tidak mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi akan datang sebagaimana kita cuba menunding jari ke generasi sebelum ini......fikirkanlah.....

Saturday 25 May 2013

Liver Detox Tea

Hempedu Bumi Blend Herbal Tea
Hempedu Bumi Blend contains antioxidant herbs used traditionally for liver and indigestion (especially after fatty foods) and for improving immunity, sore throats, high blood pressure and diabetes. 

As Grandma said "bitter is good for you!" Take daily to support your digestive and eliminatory system and prevent colds and flu's!

Hempedu Bumi Blend Tea combines 3 of natures most powerful liver detox herbs: Andrographis paniculata, Phyllanthus niruri and Curcuma longa. 

This combination has the following properties:
  • Antioxidant protection for the liver, pancreas and digestive system
  • Natural liver detox and blood cleanser
  • Protects from gastric and Duodenal ulcers
  • Boosts immunity
  • Protects the liver from dietary toxins, oxidized fats and alcohol
  • Assists pancreatic function and improves glucose metabolism
  • Promotes liver regeneration
  • Promotes recuperation from hepatitis (after acute phase is over)

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