khazanah alam

dianugerahkan untuk kita menikmatinya....perlu dipelajari, diperbaiki dan dipelihara untuk diturunkan buat generasi seterusnya......tentunya kita tidak mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi akan datang sebagaimana kita cuba menunding jari ke generasi sebelum ini......fikirkanlah.....

Thursday 26 December 2013

berjanji ketika akan diturunkan ke alam dunia

Semula jadi di sebut juga pengasalan atau asal muasal. disebut demikian karena memang ke ilmuan yang satu ini melakukan prosesi pengasalan atau meng asal jeruk purut dari mulaiada hingga tumbuh di alam dunia. kenapa demikian? menurut alkisah, konon dahulu kala limau purut atau jeruk purut yang bentuk buahnya berkerut kerut pernah berjanji ketika akan diturunkan ke alam dunia.

Untuk lebih mengenal buah jeruk purut, Jeruk atau limau/limo purut, jeruk sambal, jeruk pecel (Citrus × hystrix DC.) merupakan tumbuhan perdu yang dimanfaatkan terutama buah dan daunnya sebagai bumbu penyedap masakan. Dalam perdagangan internasional dikenal sebagai kaffir lime, sementara kalau di Thailand namanya adalah ma kruut (Thailand), krauch soeuch (Kamboja), ‘khi ‘hout (Laos), shouk-pote (Burma), kabuyau, kulubut, kolobot (Filipina), dan truc (Vietnam).

”Barang siapa ada yang mengetahui asal kejadianku maka semua permintaannya akan kuturuti, kalau tidak kuturuti maka aku akan dilaknat Allah”

Untuk jadi peringatan: ke ilmuan ini merupakan suatu budaya turun temurun…tentu saja karena sudah disakralkan oleh semua turunannya maka dalam mengijazahkan ke ilmuan inipun tidaklah boleh diberikan sembarangan.

Pernah suatu waktu seseorang mendapat carikan kertas berisi ke ilmuan ini selanjutnya dihafal dan di cobanya. namun tidak ada tuah yang didapatnya, bahkan seseorang tersebut sakit parah kemudian diobati oleh banyak tabib, namun tidak kunjung sembuh.

Apalagi ke ilmuan ini disalah gunakan misalnya untuk mencelakai orang, maka lambat laun yang menyalah gunakannya akan mendapat ganjaran yang mengerikan.

Jeruk purut terdiri dari dua macam atau sepasang .
Yang satu disebut jantan dan satunya lagi disebut betina.
keduanya memiliki perbedaan bentuk dan perbedaan kegunaan.
Jeruk purut jantan bagian bawah tampuk lebih menonjol sehingga ketika didudukkan akan tetap terguling, sementara jeruk purut betina dibagian bawah tampuk berlubang kedalam sehingga apabila didudukkan tidak akan terguling.

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losyen limau purut mak dara


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Tuesday 24 December 2013

bunga serai kecil

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serai membantu dalam pemulihan dari pilek dan flu

JENIS tanaman yang satu ini termasuk ke dalam anggota suku rumput-rumputan. Serai biasa dijadikan sebagai bumbu pada masakan karena aromanya yang khas. Namun sebenarnya serai bukan hanya sekedar pelengkap bumbu. Jauh dari itu, tamanan bernama latin Cymbopogon citratus ini memiliki manfaat yang banyak untuk kesehatan karena kandungannya.

Dalam penelitian yang dikutip dari menyebutkan bahwa serai membantu dalam pemulihan dari pilek dan flu, mengurangi demam, kram, perut kembung dan nyeri rematik serta membantu pencernaan terutama pada anak-anak.

Sebuah penelitian dari The Science and Technology Department's Food and Nutrition Research Institute yang dikutip dalam telah menentukan bahwa serai memiliki manfaat antioksidan yang dapat membantu mencegah kanker, selain itu juga sebagai obat efektif untuk infeksi pada mata.

Para ahli dalam penelitian tersebut menambahkan bahwa dalam serai terdapat kandungan zat anti-mikroba dan anti bakteri yang berguna sebagai obat infeksi pada lambung, usus, dan saluran kemih.

Hal lain yang terdapat dalam serai yaitu kandungan Anti-piretik yang dimiliki serai bermanfaat dalam menurunkan panas. Selain itu senyawa analgesik yang membantu menghilangkan rasa sakit akibat sakit kepala, nyeri sendi, dan nyeri otot.

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Paya Serai Restaurant

Hilton Petaling Jaya hotel - Paya Serai Restaurant

This Petaling Jaya restaurant's chic interior design blends mother of pearl with metallic and silver shades, while the sparks and flames of the open kitchen set a dramatic dining backdrop. Enjoy the delicious buffet breakfast in the morning, and for dinner, sample local and international cuisine at the sumptuous evening buffet.

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Sunday 22 December 2013

Basic Lentil Curry (Mild)

Lentils are so healthy and a wonderful introduction to a rice and curry meal.   This is my basic "no frills" lentil curry.  It is a mild tasting dish that is best accompanied by other curry dishes like a spicy vegetable and/or meat curry.  You can make this completely vegan by using coconut milk if you like.


1 cup of washed Masoor Lentils.
2-3 cups of water
1/2 medium onion chopped
1 green chili (serrano) sliced down the middle(optional)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 cinnamon stick
5-10 curry leaves (optional)
1-2 pandan leaves (rampe) optional

Wash the Masoor Lentils well in cold running water.  If you see any stones, make sure you pick them out.  You can find  Masoor Lentils at your local Indian Grocers. 

Tip:  You always want to boil your lentils without salt so they cook faster.  Salt tends to slow down the cooking process.  Salt can be added at the end of the dish.

Cook the lentils on medium high heat for 20 minutes or until the liquid cooks out and the lentils are very soft.

Tip:  I recommend you use a large deep frying pan or nonstick wok if you cook on high heat, otherwise it tends to boil over.   If you only have saucepans, then cook on medium heat and keep an eye on it.

Next add salt  and coconut milk or cow's milk.  Stir well and cook for 1-2 minutes longer. Taste for salt and seasoning.  Serve with rice and other curries.  Enjoy.

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Heavenly Housewife’s Biryani Challenge

As a small child I remember the wonderful aroma of curry, it wafted around the apartment promising a bowl of comfort food.  It smelled of turmeric and that particular scent that you probably have to be British to know.  It has been in every home, school and pub.  It was the curry that was made using only curry powder, a yellow gloopy sauce with sultanas in it and sliced bananas on the side.  No gentle roasting of spices, making pastes or choosing between ground or whole spices.  The most complex flavour that was offered was mild, medium or hot ( I don’t know anyone who used hot) This was the late 70s.

Regardless of the rudimentary curry sauce I loved the hard boiled eggs that were added to it, yes.  Eggs!  Curried eggs were my favourite meal and now that I do use infused and roasted spices they just aren’t the same.  There’s something about childhood food, I’m not sure if it’s that we remember it differently, or that a child’s palette is not so picky.  Or perhaps it is the comfort of all those things that go with the food.  Stiring the pan whilst chatting about my friends new cat, in the secret hope that I might get one too.  Far too straight forward to just ask.  The gentle chiding and cajoling that goes with family life as supper cooked.

So when the Heavenly Housewife set another of her fabulous challenges, to  cook a Biryani, any Biryani and I discovered a recipe for Eggs.  I knew it wouldn’t be like my childhood curried dish, but it could be so delicious.

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Homemade Red Curry Paste Recipe (Khrueang Kaeng Phet)

Curry paste in the mortar before the shrimp paste is added



Pulverize in a granite mortar and pestle the dried chillies, sea salt, garlic, lemongrass and turmeric to a fine paste. Blend in the shrimp paste with a spoon. Set aside.

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Pav Bhaji (Bun and Mashed Vegetable Curry)

Pav Bhaji - Bun and Mashed Vegetable and Potato Curry - Recipe Treasure -

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camp curry

Curry Village’s Yosemite Cabins and Tent Cabins

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Saturday 21 December 2013


Bibit Buah Tin

Para pakar kesehatan sangat menganjurkan kepada kita untuk makan atau menkonsumsi Buah Tin, buah Tin ini membantu proses pembersihan racun dari dalam tubuh kita, mencegah kanker usus serta penyakit yang berkaitan dengan perut.

Menurut sebuah kajian yang dilakukan University Rutgers di New Jersey, As, menyebutkan bahwa buah Tin mengandung antioksidan yang dapat menghalangi karsinogen yang menjadi penyebab kanker. Buah Tin juga mengndung Omega 3 serta Omega 6, yaitu sejenis lemak yang berperan dalam pencegahan penyakit jantung.
Buah Tin juga kadar lemaknya rendah, rendah sodium, rendah kalori dan bebas kolestrol, yang pasti sangat sesuai dan pas dikonsumsi oleh para penderita diabetes atau penyakit gula.

Buah Tin yang namanya termaktub dalam salh satu Ayat Al - Qur'an, Menurut hasil penelitian medis terbaru, selain dapat mencegah penyakit kanker, buah ini juga mengandung zat yang sangat penting untuk tubuh manusia.

Dalam buah Tin terkandung zat yang dapat mengurangi kolestrol jahat, menguatkan jantung dan menormalkan saluran pernafasan bagi para penderita asma / sesak nafas.

Buah tin selain mengandung serat yang sangat tinggi, dimana setiap 100 gr buah tin kering terkandung 12,2 gram serat , dan juga terdapat zat Benzaldehyde, sebuah zat yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tumor.
Orang yang pulang dari tanah suci sering membawa buah Tin sebagai bingkisan obat untuk sahabat serta keraba di tanah air.        

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Buah Tin Syria Jumbo Aslam

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dua belas macam buah tin

Buah ini memiliki banyak varietas. Paling tidak terdapaat dua belas macam buah tin. Diantaranya adalah yordan, tin ungu, red palestine, red turki, brown turki, negronne, black ischia, libya, black turki, long yellow, panace tiger, dan flanders. Namun di tempat pembibitan ini hanya terdapat enam varietas, yordan, tin ungu, red palestine, brown turki, libya, dan black turki.

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buah yang turun dari Surga

Segala apa yang diciptakan dan dikaruniakan oleh Allah SWT mempunyai keistimewaan dan kelebihan tersendiri yang kadangkala kita sebagai manusia tidak tahu akan hikmahnya. Banyak diantara kita tidak mengetahui akan keistimewaan yang terdapat pada Buah Tin dan pentingnya untuk kesehatan, mungkin karena Buah Tin bukan berasal dari negara kita, tetapi dari negara Timur Tengah. Walaupun Buat Tin berasal dari Makkah, Syam, Palestina juga Mesir, tetapi juga diperkenalkan di Italia kurang lebih 2000 tahun yang lalu dimana berkembang dengan cepat melalui Selatan Eropa termasuk Yunani. Sampai di dalam Kitab Al-Qur’an juga terdapat surat khusus yang menyatakan tentang Buah Tin dan Zaitun, juga Gunung Tursina dan negeri Makkah yang aman (Al-Qur’an – Surat At-Tiin ayat 1-3). Jika direnungkan, pasti ada hikmah dibalik itu, mengapa Allah SWT telah berfirman dalam Al-Qur’an. Ini mungkin karena khasiat dan keistimewaannya yang tiada bandingnya dengan buah-buahan lainnya.

Menurut Imam Ibnu Al Jawziyyah, Buah Tin memiliki banyak kuhasiat, diantaranya dapat mengurangi penyakit sesak nafas, membersihkan hati dan limpa, jga pengencer dahak, serta memberi khasiat yang baik pada tubuh, sebagai langkah pencegahan untuk melawan racun di tubuh kita.

Nabi Muhammad SAW juga pernah bersabda, ” Sekiranya aku katakan, Sesungguhnya buah yang turun dari Surga maka aku katakan, inilah buahnya (Tiin), sesungguhnya buah surga tiada keraguannya.” (Hadis riwayat Abu Darba; Suyuti).

Bagi Umat Kristiani dan Israel , Mar 11:13 Dan dari jauh Ia melihat pohon ara yang sudah berdaun. Ia mendekatinya untuk melihat kalau-kalau Ia mendapat apa-apa pada pohon itu. Tetapi waktu Ia tiba di situ, Ia tidak mendapat apa-apa selain daun-daun saja, sebab memang bukan musim buah ara. Perumpamaan pohon ara dan Perumpamaan pohon ara yang tidak berbuah adalah dua buah perumpamaan yang diajarkan oleh Yesus kepada murid-muridnya. Perumpamaan pohon ara tercantum di Matius 24:32-35, Markus 13:28-31, dan Lukas 21:29-33 sedangkan perumpamaan pohon ara yang tidak berbuah tercantum di dalam Lukas 13:6-9. Daun pohon ara juga menggambarkan Taurat yang tidak dapat menyelamatkan manusia dari ketelanjangan dosanya. Hukum Taurat memang kudus, tetapi tidak dapat menyelamatkan manusia. Hukum Taurat hanya menuntun manusia untuk sampai kepada YESUS .

Pada kitab ajaran agama Budha ,Disebutkan " Pohon Bodhi / fig / Tin adalah tempat Sang Buddha mencapai Penerangan Sempurna." 

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keistimewaannya untuk mengobati encok

Buah tin adalah makanan bergizi tinggi karena mengandung monosaccharides (molekul gula tunggal), unsur-unsur mineral, dan vitamin. Ia banyak dipakai untuk mengobati sembelit. Orang-orang Arab atau Badui biasa menggunakan hasil rebusan daun-daunnya untuk mengobati gangguan menstruasi. Selain itu, ia juga bisa digunakan untuk produksi susu.

Adapun manfaatnya dapat menghilangkan wasir maka hal itu disebabkan ia berfungsi melancarkan (buang air besar) dan menahannya. Sedangkan keistimewaannya untuk mengobati encok – meresapnya asam garam (urat) dalam persendian bisa dibuktikan dengan penjelasan berikut.
Encok disebut juga dengan ‘penyakit para raja’ karena salah satu penyebabnya adalah berlebihan makan daging merah yang menyebabkan kerusakan asam amino, yaitu asam sel somatic.

Telah ditetapkan bahwa buah tin memiliki kaitan dengan enzim yang khusus mengubah trimethyl menjadi asam folat.

Enzim yang biasanya bekerja dalam satu sisi saja maka ia bekerja dalam dua sisi sehingga seimbang. Oleh karena itu, obat-obatan dari luar melemahkan enzim, tetapi buah tin bisa menormalkan kinerja enzim. Sebab, encok adalah satu penyakit yang disebabkan kesalahan dalam metabolisme.

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Tuesday 17 December 2013

Buko Pandan Pearl Cooler

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aroma pasta -pandan

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Pandan Chiffon Cake

pandan cake whole

Pandan cake is a popular cake originating in Malaysia. The key ingredient is the juice from the leaves of the pandan plant, otherwise known as screw pine. Most people in Australia know it as “that green cake that you get in Asian supermarkets sometimes”.

The pandan juice makes the cake a light green colour, but green food colouring is added to the pandan paste, which gives the cake that “radioactive” look. I guess some people like that hue because some of the recipes involving the juice also call for green food colouring to be added, just in case you weren’t sure it was really a pandan cake. I reckon this would make a really great halloween cupcake. In fact, I have some black cobweb-shaped laser cut cupcake wrappers and October is coming up so….


I’ve found it really hard to get an authentic-tasting pandan cake here in Australia, and I suspect many of the cakes here are just regular chiffon cakes with green food colouring. Also all the ones I’ve bought here have been pretty dry and spongy, like it would bounce if you threw it. So I decided to make my own.

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Megeret Pandan

Megeret Pandan

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Perang Pandan

Preparation for Perang Pandan @ bali, karang asem

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Saturday 14 December 2013

one sexy spice

This is one sexy spice. It soothed Alexander the Great after battle, launched wars between nations, and one single thread was once said to calm melancholy and ignite passion.

Saffron is harvested from the fall-flowering plant Crocus Sativus, a member of the Iris family. The vibrant, red threads of this heavily sought after Middle Eastern spice have been used for more than 4,000 years to treat upwards of 90 illnesses in the Middle East and Asia, to nuance the creations of master perfumers, and to flavor culinary fare globally. It is regarded as one of the world’s finest culinary treasures.

Today in America, the cost of saffron ranges from $500 to $5,000 a pound making it the world’s most expensive spice by weight. Luckily, a small amount of saffron will lend a beautiful color and a delicate flavor to a variety of dishes — from soup to nuts.

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How to Use Saffron


After taking pains to get some saffron, what can you do with it? The most classic use is rice dishes: risottos, pilafs, and paellas. A small pinch adds brilliant color, aroma, and flavor against bland grains. Desserts are another go-to, and saffron can tread anywhere vanilla does, such as custards and cookies. (The flavor profiles of the two are similar: sweet, heady, and musky.) Saffron takes best to light meat and vegetables, such as poultry, cauliflower, and onions. Combine those in a quick braise with saffron, cinnamon, cumin, and almonds and you have a North African-esque dish that tastes like it took way more time than it did.
For general cooking, it's best to add saffron early on in cooking so its flavor can infuse into the other ingredients. If there's water already in the pan, just crumble in the threads. Otherwise soak them in a tablespoon of water for ten minutes before adding to the pan.

If you want saffron's delicate flavor to really come to the fore, keep the other flavors and seasonings to a minimum. But I most enjoy saffron as a supporting player, less for its flavor than for the depth of flavor it gives a whole dish. A small pinch in a large pot of food makes a substantial change its character: The flavor is richer, fuller, and much more aromatic. My favorite saffron dishes are humble affairs with simple ingredients and spices, like plov, an Uzbek rice pilaf studded with carrots and onions. The saffron adds a hint of luxury and some sophisticated sweetness.

Whether you dress it up or down, saffron's worth getting to know. The quality stuff is easier to find than ever, and if you purchase by the gram or the ounce, it's an affordable luxury that'll pay for itself over and over.

Never buy ground saffron. Far too often it's cut with turmeric, paprika, and the aforementioned bark. Even if it's from a spice merchant you trust, saffron powder loses its flavor faster than whole threads. If you have the option to buy a small sample of saffron threads, drop them in some warm water in a small bowl. In a minute or two the water should be a bright, clean yellow, and the threads should retain their shape. If the water is murky or the threads fray, it's a sign of adulteration.

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How to Source Saffron


First things first, beware of bunk saffron. Saffron will always be expensive; if you see a packet of a couple ounces for a few dollars, just put it back. The image on the right is what real saffron looks like. The threads are fine and even in size, with a thin yellow tendril on one end and a trumpet-like flute on the other. Compare that to some fraudulent saffron on the left: coarse, irregular threads, tiny shreds of something almost bark-like. The yellow bits aren't even connected to the red threads, a sure sign of fraud. The fake stuff often smells like bark with some chemical additives thrown in (basically what it is); real saffron will tickle your nose even through a layer of plastic.

Your major purchasing decision will be country of origin. When I can find Iranian saffron, that's my top choice. The color is a deeper red and spice's telltale musk (a fantastic corrective to its sweet perfume) is more pronounced. But these saffrons are difficult to find for reasons of embargo, difficulty in cultivation, and local bans on export for the international market. The next step down (though only the nitpickiest would call it a downgrade) is Spanish saffron, which is high quality, relatively available, and strictly regulated.

Spanish saffron is divided into grades. Names to look for are coupe, superior, La Mancha, or Rio. Coupe is the top of the line: it has the least flavorless yellow stem and the highest amount of crocin, one of the key essential oils in saffron. If you can't find coupe grade (or don't want to shell out the money for it), those other grades are more affordable and still high quality. Pick your grade by the saffron's final destination. If you're using it as a mélange of spices to glow in the background, a lower grade will do you fine. But for dishes where it's the star, such as risotto Milanese, go for the best you can get (though those lower grades will still taste great).

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What's The Deal With Saffron?


At a price of $2,000 to $10,000 a pound, saffron is far and away the most expensive food on earth, way more than truffles, caviar, and real balsamic vinegar. Its history is epic; its flavor is revered. International organizations employ lab equipment to fuss over grading crops for flavor, color, and richness. And its longstanding coveted status has borne a tradition of adulteration, embargo, and conspicuous consumption that can only be characterized as grotesque. So what's the deal with this stuff? Is it worth all the fuss? And what, at the end of the day, can you really do with it?

First, an explanation of its price. Saffron threads are the stamens of the crocus, a high-maintenance flower whose climatory pickiness is matched only by its fickle yields. Each flower, which blooms for one week of the year, produces about three stamens which must be picked by hand (with the greatest delicacy, of course) and dried (delicately again!). 150 flowers and substantial labor are needed to produce a single gram of saffron; it's only as affordable as it is because harvesters aren't paid much at all. There are less expensive varieties available, but real saffron has a high base rate of expense that its price just can't sink below.

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Saffron chelow rice

Saffron is often used as a garnish to liven up plain white chelow rice. The classic presentation is described below, but an alternative method that we like is to drizzle saffron liquid over the parboiled rice before steaming, which creates a pretty marbled effect through the rice as it cooks. In Iran, it’s rare to see whole saffron threads in rice dishes. Saffron is nearly always used in powder form and steeped in a little water to create a saffron liquid. We prefer to buy the best-quality saffron threads we can find and grind them as called for. (If you need more than 2 tablespoons saffron liquid, simply allow 10 saffron threads per each extra 1 tablespoon boiling water and proceed as below.) If you’d rather, however, you can use ¼ teaspoon saffron powder – just mix it with the boiling water and proceed as described below.

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Add saffron, ginseng to your diet

Saffron — the world’s most expensive spice — is a natural plant product proven to enhance sexual performance, according to University of Guelph researchers.

Spicing up your sex life may be as easy as going to your kitchen cupboard — although it might be pricey.
Saffron — at $3 to $5 a gram in Toronto, regarded as the world’s most expensive spice — has been shown in clinical studies to enhance sexual performance, according to a University of Guelph review of natural aphrodisiacs studied in about 150 international studies over the past 10 years.

Similarly, there’s evidence that panax ginseng (also called Korean ginseng) might have a salutary role to play in the bedroom.

“We’re going to raise more than a few eyebrows with this study,’’ says food-science professor Massimo Marcone, who co-authored the paper with graduate student John Melnyk.

While aphrodisiac claims for various plant products have been made for millennia, “the science behind the claims has never been well understood or clearly reported,’’ says Marcone.

The University of Guelph scientific review will appear in Food Research International.
The clinical studies on panax ginseng, concluded that men with mild or moderate erectile dysfunction showed significant improvement. The same studies indicated menopausal women reported higher arousal frequency and satisfaction when they took it.

Studies in male rats who were given saffron, meanwhile, showed an increase in sexual activity in male rats given the spice. A human study found that men who took 200 mg of saffron a day for 10 days reported improved erectile function and sexual satisfaction.

“The medicine chest has really moved from the bathroom to kitchen table,’’ says Marcone, observing the popularity of natural health products. That said, he emphasizes he is not advocating that people use the plants and animals that were the subjects of the studies he examined.

“We’re not trying to market anything with this review,’’ he says.

The review will certainly discourage people from using Spanish fly (a powder created from blister beetles, which contain a toxin). Its use as an aphrodisiac in traditional Chinese and African cultures has resulted in deaths. Studies in rats have also shown it can be lethal.

Marcone’s survey looked at studies involving yohimbine, a chemical from West Africa’s yohimbine tree, which has been used to increase libido and in the treatment of impotence. It is legal only by prescription in Canada. Some products containing yohimbine bark extra have been sold online and in some retail outlets but Health Canada has issued an advisory warning people that there is a risk of potentially serious side effects.
The male and female libido-enhancing properties of the muira puama plant of Brazil and the maca root (sold over the counter by Canadian retailers) from a member of the mustard family found in the Andes are also attested to in a number of studies reviewed by Marcone.

Cloves, sage and nutmeg have had sexually stimulating effects in clinical studies in rats, but Marcone has encountered no research on humans.

Although chocolate has a reputed aphrodisiac effects, he says he found no study supporting this. He adds that certain ingredients in chocolate, such as phenylethylamine, “can affect serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain,’’ which can improve mood, he says.

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World’s Most Expensive Spicy Aphrodisiac

bright red saffron

Middle East flavors can ‘spice’ up your love life, Canadian study finds.

History is ripe with stories of foods, herbs and spices thought to enhance the libido, but scientific data to support whether a man’s virility or a woman’s sex drive could really be enhanced by certain supplements is scant. The dearth of proof may be changing. Canadian researcher, Massimo Marcone, a professor in Guelph’s Department of Food Science, and master’s student John Melnyk, have confirmed what the ancients knew with regards to food and sexual health. Specific compounds, including the world’s most expensive spice (read further for the big reveal!) – whose origins are Middle Eastern/Asian – offer up eco-sexy nutrition without the side effects of pharmaceuticals such as Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil).
Their results are available online and will appear in print in the journal Food Research International.

First the Science, then the Sex

Marcone and his team examined hundreds of studies on commonly used consumable aphrodisiacs to investigate claims of psychological or physiological sexual enhancement. Ultimately, they included only studies meeting their most ‘stringent controls.’

“Ours is the most thorough scientific review to date. Nothing has been done on this level of detail before now.” Marcone reportedly said of their investigation into natural sexual enhancers. Such research is compelled in part by the multi-billion dollar erectile dysfunction drug industry that comes with a ‘price.’
“These drugs can produce headache, muscle pain and blurred vision, and can have dangerous interactions with other medications. They also do not increase libido, so it doesn’t help people experiencing low sex drive.” There’s additional concern that younger men are using these drugs when they have no history of erectile dysfunction, and in combination with other agents that could cause dangerous side effects or adverse reactions. Green lovers recognize the need for natural products that enhance sex without negative side effects, hence the growing popularity of the eco-sexuality movement.

The results? They found that panax ginseng from Asia and yohimbine, a natural chemical from yohimbe trees in West Africa, improved human sexual function.  Increased sexual desire was reported after eating muira puama from Brazilian and maca root from the Andes. Alcohol was found to increase arousal but impede performance. But despite its purported aphrodisiac effect, chocolate was not definitively linked to sexual arousal or satisfaction, the study said.

“It may be that some people feel an effect from certain ingredients in chocolate, mainly phenylethylamine, which can affect serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain,” Marcone said.

Get it on with Saffron

As for the contribution from this region to our sexual palates, it turns out that saffron, a spice used along Europe’s glamorous Mediterranean coast and throughout Middle Eastern cuisine, from Iran to Iraq, Turkey to Greece with evidence dating back thousands of years, may be one of the most potent enhancers yet. Stories abound about the use of saffron by Cleopatra (who is said to have taken baths in waters scented with this rare gem prior to making love), Ancient Persia, the Sumarians and Alexander the Great (as a curative for battle wounds), among many others.

To this day, the northern town of Safranbolu in Turkey – a UNESCO World Heritage Site whose name is derived from this delicate flower – is known for its annual saffron harvest festivals.
Even the Hebrew Bible sets claim to saffron’s seductiveness in the Song of Solomon.
“Your lips drop sweetness like honeycomb, my bride, syrup and milk are under your tongue, and your dress had the scent of Lebanon. Your cheeks are an orchard of pomegranates, an orchard full of rare fruits, spikenard and saffron, sweet cane and cinnamon.
It has been suggested that part of saffron’s magical property is thought to be its enhancement of “lust” via certain neurotransmitters that stimulate libido or erogenous zones. Saffron may also lower blood pleasure and stimulate respiration.

The parts used for culinary purposes are the stigma or style, the female sexual organs of the flower. There are three stigma on any one flower, so it takes 150,000 flowers to produce one kilogram of dried saffron, making it the most expensive spice in the world. Iran and Spain are the world’s largest producer of this flower (part of the Iris family Iridaceae) accounting for 80% of the global crop.

While their findings support the use of foods and plants for sexual enhancement, the authors urge caution. “Currently, there is not enough evidence to support the widespread use of these substances as effective aphrodisiacs,” Marcone said. “More clinical studies are needed to better understand the effects on humans.”

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saffron and silk

Saffron and Silk

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Wednesday 11 December 2013

Serai @ Empire Shopping Gallery





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peluruh haid dan meringankan masuk angin

Bermanfaat untuk meringankan sakit gigi, peluruh haid dan meringankan masuk angin. Akar segar serai direbus dengan satu gelas air, kemudian diminum dua kali sehari, masing-masing setengah gelas.

Seari Dapur

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Restoran Serai, Cyberjaya

Serai Platter - RM 25.00
Serai Ice Tea - 12.00

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The Serai Group

The Serai Group is made up of a homegrown Malaysian family's passion and ideals of sharing gastronomical delights. Serai first opened its doors in 1990, serving customers authentic Northern cuisine. The restaurant infused selected Thai recipes that are most prevalent in most Northern homes and cookery.

That successful fusion gave rise to another outlet under the Serai Group. This time with a different twist of flavor - an East meets West cuisine located in Subang Jaya. Coupled with these two successful concept restaurants, the Serai Group playfully developed a catering service that specialises in satay and other local delicacies-to-go. Consisting of avid food aficionados, the group aspires to continue introducing new concepts and ideas to the market. With expansion on the cards, Serai Group is excited and looking forward to the prospect of taking these palatable food concepts globally.

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Saturday 7 December 2013

Pohon Buah Tin

Pohon Buah Tin

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Cara Budidayakannya

“Cara pencangkokan pohon tin sangat mudah,” ujarnya. Metode yang ia gunakan adalah metode cangkok praktis. Media yang diperlukan hanyalah kompos dan tanah gembur. Kompos bisa diganti dengan sabut kelapa untuk hasil yang lebih baik. Perbandingannya adalah satu banding satu.

Kupas batang pohon. Media yang telah dibungkus plastik dilubangi sedikit lalu ditempelkan pada batang tadi. Ikat. Akar akan tumbuh dalam platik tersebut dalam jangka waktu tiga minggu. Setelah tumbuh akar, potong. Tanam dalam polibag lalu simpan di tempat teduh selama satu minggu. “Setelah satu minggu bisa disimpan di bawah terik matahari,” jelasnya.

Pohon tin lebih bagus jika ditanam di tempat panas. “Cara memindahkan pohon tin dari polibag juga cukup mudah,” jelsnya. Gali lubang berukuran sedang dalam tanah. Biarkan dua sampai tiga hari. Setelah tiga hari, campur tanah dengan kompos atau pupuk kandang. Kemudian pindahkan tanaman dari polibag.

Perawatan selanjutnya adalah menyiram pohon ini setiap pagi. “Idealnya, tanaman ini disemprot atau disiram dengan campuran M-4, air dan gula pasir,” jelasnya. Perbandingannya adalah setengah botol m-4, dua puluh liter air, dan setengah kilo gula pasir. Setelah dicampur, diamkan selama tiga hari. Semprot pada daun atau siram pada batang. Penanaman pohon tin sebaiknya pada pagi, sore, atau ketika cuaca mendung. “Jangan ketika panas,” tutupnya.

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Makin Hitam, Makin Manis


Buah Tin. Namanya mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Di dalam Al-Qur’an pun terdapat surat tentang buah ini. Tetapi kita jarang atau bahkan belum melihat buahnya. Di Indonesia memang masih segelintir orang yang mencoba mengembangbiakannya.

Jika anda pergi ke Jakarta Timur, ada salah satu tempat pembibitan buah tin. Bertempat di jalan Cipinang Jaya no. 17, tempat pembibitan ini mengembangbiakan bermacam-macam pohon tin. Tempat ini juga menyelenggarakan kursus dan penyuluhan penanaman pohon tin.

Suwandi, salah satu pegawai pembibitan, mengatakan, pohon tin sebelumnya tidak ada di Indonesia. Ia harus mengimpor dari negara asalnya. “Buah tin merupakan buah yang produktif karena terus menerus berbuah tanpa mengenal musim,” jelasnya. Buah tin memiliki keunikan. Ia berbuah tetapi tidak berbunga.

Buah ini memiliki banyak varietas. Paling tidak terdapaat dua belas macam buah tin. Diantaranya adalah yordan, tin ungu, red palestine, red turki, brown turki, negronne, black ischia, libya, black turki, long yellow, panace tiger, dan flanders. Namun di tempat pembibitan ini hanya terdapat enam varietas, yordan, tin ungu, red palestine, brown turki, libya, dan black turki.

Pohon tin yordan adalah jenis yang paling terkenal di Indonesia. “Jenis ini paling sering berbuah,” ujar Suwandi. Di tanam di dalam pot pun sering berbuah. Jika sudah matang, buahnya akan menguning. Rasa buah tin yordan ini paling manis dibandingkan buah tin lainnya.

Tin jenis brown turki pun tergolong rajin berbuah walaupun di dalam pot. Rasanya manis tetapi tidak semanis yordan. Seperti namanya, buah ini berwarnna coklat.

“Semakin hitam, buahnya semakin manis,” imbuhnya.

Tin ungu memiliki karakeristik daun yang berbeda. Jika tin lain memiliki daun yang beruas lima, tin ungu memiliki daun beruas tiga dan tebal seperti daun jati. “Umumya yang masih kecil belum beruas,” jelasnya. Kelemahan dari jenis ini, hanya berbuah jika ditanam di tanah.

Tin libya memiliki daun yang lebih tebal. buahnya lebih kecil dibandingkan buah tin lain, kira-kira hanya setengah dari besar buah tin lainnya. tin yang berwarna merah dinamakan red palestine. Daunnya mirip seperti libya. Jika masih kecil, buahnya berwarna hijau dengan ujung merah. Yang masih langka dan sedang dicoba pengembangbiakannya adalah black turki. Buahnya lebih besar dan berwarna hitam. Daunnya pun besar.

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Thursday 5 December 2013

home remedy for diarrhea

Benefits of curry leaf

  • • Curry leaf benefits individuals suffering from hereditary diabetes and diabetes caused by obesity. All you have to do is eat 10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning. Follow this therapy for at least three months. Needless to say, you also need to take other precautions associated with this disease.
  • • Intake of juice extracted from curry leaves brightens the eyes and delays cataract.
  • •Dry a few curry leaves in shade for 4-5 days. Take one teaspoon of this dried curry leaf powder and mix a teaspoon of honey in it. Consume this home medicine for about two to three times in a day to get rid of constipation.

  • • Drinking the juice of 15-20 curry leaves mixed with a teaspoon of honey serves as an efficient curry leaf home remedy for diarrhea.

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    obat terbaik untuk rambut beruban

    penyebab rambut beruban

    Salah satu obat terbaik untuk rambut beruban pada usia muda adalah daun kari.Daun kari bermanfaat untuk menjaga vitalitas rambut dan kekuatan akar rambut.Masukan daun kari ke dalam menu diet harian Anda.Atau,Anda dapat meletakan beberapa daun kari ke dalam minyak kelapa lalu didihkan,selanjutnya saring minyak dan biarkan dingin.Oleskan di kulit kepala.

    Labu memiliki manfaat untuk mengembalikan pigmen rambut.Untuk mengobati rambut beruban pada usia muda,jemur beberapa potong labu di bawah sinar matahari hingga kering,rendam dalam minyak kelapa selama sekitar 3 sampai 4 jam.Setelah itu,rebus labu sampai residu menghitam,biarkan dingin.Pijat kulit kepala Anda dengan residu itu.

    Jus ekstrak sayur bayam.Gunakan daun bayam yang masih segar untuk membuat jus,oleskan jus pada rambut Anda.Ini sudah terbukti dapat membantu mempertahankan warna hitam rambut dan juga membantu pertumbuhan rambut baru.

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    Mariah kari

    yang ni mami sue kata Mariah Kari......heheheheee....

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    kenal tak dengan pokok kari

    Tidak kiralah kalau nak buat masak kari kepala ikan ke, kari ayam ke, kari daging atau kari udang; jika tidak dibubuh dengan daun kari yang sebenar memang sesuatu masakan itu tidak akan rasa kari yang sebenar. Ada ke yang tidak kenal dengan pokok kari? Kalau dah tak kenal macam mana nak masak kari. Maka jadinya, beli sahaja di kedai mamak.

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    Rahasia Kelezatan Kari Aceh

    Muhammad (45), sang koki kampung, menuang minyak kelapa dalam kuali besi bergaris tengah nyaris semeter. Begitu mendidih, dia segera menuang aneka bumbu: serai, bungong lawang keling, daun pandan, daun salam, bawang putih keprek, bawang merah iris, dan daun temurui (bay leaf). Wangi rempah pun menguar, memenuhi kolong meunasah.

    Itu baru permulaannya saja. Muhammad lantas menuang seember penuh potongan daging dari tiga ekor kambing ke dalam kuali. Begitu daging mulai layu, ia menambahkan seember penuh bumbu kental berwarna kuning ke atasnya. Dengan tangan telanjang, Muhammad mengaduk bumbu dan daging langsung di atas kuali. Campuran air dan asam jawa kemudian ditambahkan. Ketika kuah daging mendidih, santan ditambahkan.

    Dalam dua jam, kuah kare kameng—bahasa Aceh untuk kari kambing—nan berlemak itu pun matang. Segera saja udara dipenuhi wangi kari. Muhammad menciduk kari kambing dan menyodorkannya ke empat orang juru masak senior yang hari itu berperan sebagai juru cicip. Mereka diam sesaat menunggu jejak rasa kari tercecap di lidah. Setelah itu, mereka membisiki Muhammad. Juru masak itu bergegas menambahkan garam dan beberapa rempah.

    Para pencicip mencoba lagi. Kali ini, mereka menganggukkan kepala tanda kari tersebut pantas dihidangkan dalam kenduri maulid hari itu.

    Muhammad pun bisa bernapas lega. Puluhan laki-laki di meunasah yang sedari pagi ingin berpesta kari tersenyum gembira. Mereka segera berbaris untuk mendapatkan sepiring kari. Kami juga kebagian mencicipi kari dengan daging demikian empuk. Setiap tetes kuahnya menghadirkan aneka rasa yang serasi: gurih, pedas, hangat, asin, dan asam. Hari itu kami benar-benar pesta kari.

    Di sela-sela kemeriahan pesta, Muhammad menceritakan rahasia kelezatan kari aceh. Ada 22 bumbu yang ia gunakan, antara lain kelapa gongseng, kelapa kukur, santan, kemiri, kunyit, pala, lawang keling atau bisa diganti cengkeh, lada, jahe, cabai, kayu manis, daun kari, pandan, dan sederet bumbu lain. Aneka bumbu itu harus diracik dalam takaran yang pas. ”Seberapa pun daging yang dimasak, kelezatan harus tetap sempurna,” ujar Muhammad yang biasa memasak dalam ukuran satu-dua ekor kambing atau lembu.

    Buat kami, kari masakan Muhammad hari itu sudah lezat. Namun, di lidah seorang pencicip, Razali Hanafiah (61), rasa kari itu belum sempurna. ”Bumbunya masih kurang, harusnya ada 24 bumbu,” kata Razali, paman sekaligus guru masak Muhammad.

    Dia lantas menunjukkan dua jenis bumbu yang absen dalam kari olahan Muhammad hari itu, yakni kacakra ci (kaskas ) dan jinten manis yang disimpan rapi di dalam stoples. Kacakra ci yang berbentuk butiran kecil berwarna kuning kecoklatan itu menambah rasa gurih pada kuah kari. ”Payah (susah) memang mencari bumbu ini sekarang. Kita harus cari di warung India,” kata Razali.

    ”Kalau mau lebih enak lagi, ya, ditambah biji bakung (baca: ganja),” sahut Muhammad. ”Tapi, kare kameng tadi tidak pakai, ya,” dia buru-buru menambahkan.

    Dulu, biji ganja kerap dipakai dalam masakan Aceh. Fungsinya untuk memberi rasa gurih dan mengempukkan daging. Ada yang percaya biji-biji itu meningkatkan nafsu makan. ”Saking populernya ganja di masa lalu, ada hikayat yang menulis soal itu. Biji bakung itu sempat jadi identitas orang Aceh,” kata Nurdin, peneliti hikayat sekaligus Kepala Museum Aceh.

    Sejarawan Aceh, Rusdi Sufi, menambahkan, ganja dulu dipakai orang Aceh sebagai bumbu makanan dan racikan obat. ”Waktu saya kecil, ketika tidak ada ikan atau daging untuk dimasak, cukup ambil nangka muda. Saya cincang, masak di kuali dengan bumbu kari, kasih sedikit biji bakung, sedap sudah. Itu tahun 1970-an. Sekarang tentu tidak lagi sebab ganja dilarang,” katanya diikuti tawa.

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